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The History Of Faith

Psalms 139:1-4

1" O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise you preceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down: you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord."


Never commit yourself to being anyone but you,God knows your heart and He knows who you are. Please Him and not others, For no man can judge but God.



Faith Chapter #099 of Monroe NC was chartered January 23,2001 under the leadership of Elder Sister Drucilla Brunson Wentz, a former member of Naomi #034. Being the daughter of a Master Mason(the late Brother Andrew Brunson) King Solomon Lodge #035 and the still vibirant and active member, mother and Eastern Star(Sister Beatrice Brunson)Faith Chapter #099, She created a place where young women could learn the virtues of five herioic women of the Holy Scriptures. She taught her members to love one another, to pray daily and to aid thier community at all times. She continued her quest for faith, knowledge and truth until her untimely death in September 2007. To all who loved her and who she loved this was a difficult time, but she left us with one infallable lesson, "God makes no mistakes and as long as we are faithful to Him we will see her again."
In 2009 Faith Chapter 099 dedicated Kings Dr (from Baldwin Ave to East Blvd) in Charlotte NC to the Loving memory of Sis Wentz and began their Keep Charlotte Beautiful program, In 2010 the chapter dedicated Myers Rd in Monroe NC in honor of Sis Beatrice Brunson for the Adopt a Highway program.  Faith celebrates with Family and Friends at an annual fellowship in November of each year.
We have now partnered with Little Flower Assisted Living Center and visited with the residents for Mothers Day and Fathers Day.
                   "Leadership is the guidance or direction of something or someone" To lead is not always an easy task but she took it on with love and care to unlock the potential that she knew was there before she journied on to her next Chapter in Glory.
We miss you our Founder, Friend, Mother, Mentor, Sister
